Monday, February 9, 2015

Bible Chapter: Isaiah 3 & 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    It is always a sad situation when God’s people no longer follow God’s ways. We see here that the nation rebelled and rejected God, thus bringing God’s judgment on every part of their culture. It is common that people who reject God’s ways will oppress each other. This leads to rebellion against authority and losing moral restraint, so that people take no responsibility for their actions. Isaiah’s prophecy was a scary one. But God told Isaiah to encourage the faithful believers who continued to serve God and did not enter into the rebellion. This was a time of moral, political and spiritual decline where the women of Judah were more concerned about their outward appearance and sensual appeal than the inward righteousness that honors God. Isaiah’s message did include the promise of a coming Savior, and that there would be those who would live a holy life reflecting God’s moral character and separation from evil.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The prophecy to the nation in Isaiah’s time could easily have been written today. Everything that describes Judah at that time describes our modern world. We have been living in a generation of rebellion, selfishness and rejection of God’s morality. The Bible talks about the fact that people will be deceived and live lives in total rebellion against God. It is very important for me to continue to recognize these facts and not let the rebellion and sensual nature of our culture impact me or draw me into its trap.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I often want to say to people, can’t you see what is happening in our world. I am amazed at the deception and the fact that people are allowing forces of evil control and define the debate about the issues of life. I want to help people see God’s truths so that they submit to him and walk the path of life in obedience to God’s ways.