Bible Chapter: Zechariah 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.As things were changing, as the Temple was being rebuilt, the people had a question. They wondered if they should continue to mourn and fast each summer on the anniversary of the Temple’s destruction. They were challenged with a question in return, and they needed to think about their motivation during the seventy years of exile when they fasted and mourned. Was it really for God that they were fasting? Did they celebrate their holy festivals just to please themselves? These are good questions to ask. These are good questions for believers today to ask. What is behind the spiritual things we do? Is it all really for God? There are people who don’t come to church or even leave because they are not getting what they want out of it. It is easy to get selfish in the process of worship. Whatever we do for God, it will be unacceptable when it is done with the wrong attitude and motives. Anything that is simply a routine without real hunger and thirst for God is worthless.
Another challenge for the people is that they were to judge fairly, show mercy and kindness to one another. They were not to oppress widows, orphans, and the poor. The nation had a history of not obeying God’s command to practice justice, compassion and mercy. He cares about those in need.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I think about those things that appear impossible. The large task that was before the remnant of people who returned to Jerusalem seemed impossible. All that was before them seemed hopeless to a small remnant of God’s people. But is anything impossible for God? We know the answer is nothing is too hard for God. Here we see that God was giving encouragement to His people to let them know that He would be with them through their difficult times. God promised that He would save His people and that is what He did.
God told them to be strong and finish the task. Don’t just start, keep going till you get the job done. It is too easy to quit part of the way through.
3. How can I help someone?
Some great advice as to how to get along and treat people. Tell the truth to each other. Give verdicts in court that are just. Don’t scheme against each other. Quit telling lies that you swear are the truth. Since God hates these things, everyone should hate them as well.