Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bible Chapter: Malachi 3 & 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
I am the LORD, and I do not change.  A great statement of encouragement.  What God promises He will fulfill.  He won’t get part of the way along a path and decide He made a mistake and go in a completely different direction.  He is the same every day.  That is uplifting.
A very scary question:  Will a man rob God?  Can you get away with cheating God?  They were told that is what they were going by not bringing their tithes to the Lord.  Being faithful with the tithe (a tenth of their increase) comes with some interesting results.  It either brings a blessing or a curse, depending on our obedience.  He said that those who are faithful will receive a blessing so large they can’t contain it.  These blessings are not only financial.  Giving is a privilege that permits God to stretch our faith. It is a strengthening discipline. This will result in blessings here and in eternity.  God said He will open the windows of heaven for those who are faithful with the tithe.  This will include both an increase in supply and a decrease in the devourer.  Just as He made the shoes on the feet of those in the wilderness to not wear out, He can make our things last to lower our expenses.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Here we have the ending of the book, and it happens to be the last book in the Old Testament.  We find a reminder to remember to obey the Law of Moses, all the decrees God gave him.  Then He promised to send a prophet whose preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.  These are two critical insights for life.
Obey.  That theme is throughout the Bible.  God said it over and over and over and over again.  Do what He says.  The person who obeys will always be better off in the end.  God’s ways are always the best.
Fathers and children.  God’s plan is for a man and woman to be married and have children.  The family is God’s plan for an orderly society and to pass truth on to the next generation.  Fathers are becoming too absent.  They are neglecting their responsibilities.  That is a main reason for the mess in society.  The hearts of the fathers need to be drawn to their children.  Men, be the men God called you to be.  Your children are more important that your toys and recreation.

3.  How can I help someone?
Be faithful to God.  Live it out till the end.  Don’t quit on God even when things seem really hard.