Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bible Chapter: Hosea 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God spoke to Israel through Hosea.  He said something that seems quite strange.  Hosea married an unfaithful wife.  God had a message for the nation.  He wanted to illustrate how Israel had been acting like a prostitute by turning against the Lord and worshiping false gods.  One thought that jumped out to me as I read this passage is that God calls sin, sin.  He calls it what it is, in direct and harsh terms. People have a tendency to attempt to cover over the destruction of sin and call it by less drastic terms.  But, God said that He would punish the people for all those times they burned incense to the images of Baal.  God said that they acted like prostitutes and sought other lovers but forgot all about Him.
The astounding thing is God’s amazing mercy and grace.  He promised that He would take them back again.  He said “I will make you my wife, showing you righteousness and unfailing love”.  They would have healthy crops for food.  He promised they would be His people.  Hosea’s prophecy was God’s final effort to call Israel to repent.  They had been living in a continual state of rebellion.  His goal was to renew their devotion to the one and only true God.  If they didn’t repent, he would judge them for their sins. God still loved his covenant people.  Sadly, tragic consequences were in store for them because they stubbornly disobeyed God and rejected His patient love.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I found it interesting that Hosea means “salvation”.  God’s desire is for salvation to give eternal life to all people.  God delegated  Hosea to prophesy to the decaying kingdom of Israel during its final 30 years.  He was speaking to them before they would be conquered and destroyed by the Assyrians.  He did everything He could to get their attention.  Sadly, they didn’t listen.  As I read the Bible I see over and over again God’s work to get people’s attention.  Again the message to self: listen to God.

3.  How can I help someone?
Who do you think really knows what they are talking about?  There are countless experts in the world in a variety of fields.  Some of them even know what they are talking about.  Others are educated beyond the level of their intelligence.  Know that God really does know what He is talking about.  He really is filled with love and mercy.  He really does want the best for you.  So, listen to and obey what He says.