Bible Chapter: Zechariah 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One of the themes of this prophet’s writing was the promise of God’s plan for the future. God made a covenant with the people and that included a coming Messiah. Many were looking for Him at the completion of the rebuilding of the Temple. When Jesus came, some believed and obeyed God. Some rejected. There were wicked leaders who deceived people and lead them away from God. There are many prophetic references in these chapters that give a picture of end times events. Because many would reject the Messiah when He came, evil people would bring destruction. That was the consequence of the people going their own way.
We see a prophetic reference with thirty pieces of silver being offered to Zechariah. This is what Judas was paid to betray Jesus. It was also an insult to Zechariah as that was the price of a slave.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Part of chapter twelve talks about nations gathered against Jerusalem and Israel. Many nations will come together to fight against Jerusalem and Israel to destroy them. We have heard their enemies talk about pushing them into the Mediterranean Sea. The goal is to destroy God’s plan, to destroy His people. But, in the end, God’s power will destroy Israel’s enemies. I keep observing that happening in my life time. There are several parts of this writing that give a double fulfillment picture. They talked about things that would happen, and did a long time ago. A double fulfillment of the writing will still happen in the future. Bible scholars have discussed and debated end time prophecy for ages. It sure looks like we are living in those days. This gives even greater emphasis to put full trust in Jesus. In these crazy days, many are turning to God for help and mercy. Millions are coming to realize that Jesus is the true Messiah.
3. How can I help someone?
What is your source of help and direction for life? The number of voices calling out to get people to follow them keeps increasing. Many of the things that are said to gain followers make very little sense, and yet, they gain a following. Be careful. Jesus claimed to be the road to God the Father, and His track record proves His claim.