Bible Chapter: Zechariah 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.One of the biggest problems we see that faced Israel as we read their history is idol worship. Time after time they fell into sin because of the impact of other nations that worshiped idols. Israel would get caught up in it and fall again. God would have to judge them and get their attention. One of the exciting verses here says that a time will come when God will erase idol worship throughout the land, so that even the names of the idols will be forgotten. Included in that promise is the removal of both the false prophets and the spirit of impurity that came with them. That will be an awesome day.
Despite the mockery of God by heretics who say all kinds of false things about God, He is filled with great mercy and a desire to forgive. He is not angry and does not have an uncontrollable temper. Zechariah wrote that God will open a fountain of grace to provide cleansing from sin. This fountain sprang from Christ’s death on the cross. His sacrifice on the cross and His literal resurrection from the grave provides cleansing from all sin for any who accept His forgiveness and entrust their lives to Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
From time to time, as I read the Bible, there is one thought that jumps out. It may not be the main theme of a passage, but there is a message that speaks volumes. There was one sentence here that did that for me. Is says: Only the LORD knows how this could happen. That is a good description of most of life. I have often wondered why things work the way they do. Why do mechanical and electrical and technical things work? Why does the computer I am typing on right now work? How can someone understand the workings of the physical body so they can go in and repair what is not working? And even create replacement parts? Why do things fall down instead of up? The list of questions could go on and on. The answer to these questions is simply that only the Lord knows the real “why” behind the actions. People can study and discover the laws that make things happen. But, they did not cause it to happen. Only God knows. And, that is just fine with me. God created the world. He put the laws of science into being. It works well and that is all we need to know about the “how”.
3. How can I help someone?
As yourself what you really can control. The answer is “not much”. So, put your confidence in the Lord and follow Him. He is the One with the power.