Bible Chapter: Hebrews 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Life is a race, a marathon, with a very important finish line. It is called your eternal destination. Having just written about an amazing list of faith-filled people, the author challenges the reader to persevere in the race of life. Focus on Jesus, Who, for the joy of victory over sin, endured all the horror of the cross. Throw off all the weight of sin and pursue a life that pleases God.
The reader is challenged to make every effort to be holy. Get as far from sin and as close to God as you can. God will help you with that. This is a good application of the race. Temptation is everywhere. We face it throughout life. So, with God’s help, keep pushing it away and run towards God. The more we sense God’s presence the more we want to serve Him and the less we want to sin. Life will not just be a struggle to obey God only because it is the one way to heaven. Life will be filled with a desire for more of God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter challenges to not let any bitter root take hold. It is easy for deep-seated resentment to take hold in our hearts and let that destroy life. Bitterness makes a person miserable and causes others to stay away. This leads to loneliness and even more bitterness. Avoid being worldly or secular. These are good things to apply to life.
So, I must continue to run the race. There are times when long distance runners want to give up. I am not a runner, but one time in high school tried to run some long distance races. It was a challenge and I often wanted to give up. Life is that long distance race. Fixing our eyes on Jesus helps us keep the end in sight.
3. How can I help someone?
One theme I have taught in various places in this: Stay Close To Jesus. This is the challenge of the beginning of chapter 12. Persevere in the race of life. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He stuck with it during the very difficult times of life. Resist the temptation and stay close to the Lord.