Bible Chapter: II Timothy 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter contains two thoughts on the extreme from one anther. One is awesome and one is sad. This chapter starts out with an inspiring and challenging theme. It is a verse that I have been encouraged by as I have had the privilege of participating in credentialing services. As people are being ordained into the ministry, as verses one and two are read, when it comes to “preach the Word”, the Bible is handed to the minister. I always find that exciting to think of people preaching what the Bible clearly teaches and thinking of the impact it will make to change eternity. One of the most impacting things anyone can do is proclaim the eternal Word of God. A sad thought comes next as this passage goes on to say that a time will come when people won’t put up with sound doctrine, but only want to hear what makes them feel good. We live in the feel good generation. Only hearing what one wants to hear will not do them any good.
Towards the end of the chapter is a sad thought as Paul was describing his situation. He said that Demas had forsaken him because he was loving the world. He had deserted the work of the Lord. This is so sad becaue Demas had experienced the power and presence of the Lord, and yet felt that the “fun” and “fulfillment” found in sin was more desirable.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What is the most valuable direction for life? What will bring the most eternal benefits? This is what every person must wrestle with and make decisions. Even though the battle is real and often intense, it is worth whatever it takes to stay close to Jesus and serve Him. You just can’t beat the “retirement plan”. I like verse 7. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” (NLT) Paul said he remained faithful in the fray and didn’t quit. He was faithful till the end. Is that success? Very much so. Because he could say that, he could also say that God has in store for him a crown of righteousness that the Lord will give him some special day. When people receive that amazing reward and enter into God’s presence for eternity, no one will ever say, “I’m sorry now that I didn’t live a life of sin. It’s too bad I repented.”
3. How can I help someone?
When I meet people who are struggling with the area of commitment, this is a good chapter to show them. Yes, we must understand there is a battle, but we always must remember the benefits of remaining faithful to the Lord. Study what the Bible really says and strive to apply it. It will bring amazing rewards.