Bible Chapter: Hebrews 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Chapter seven ends with the thought that Jesus is the High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for all who come to God. He is perfect forever. Chapter eight starts out with the statement that we have a High Priest sitting at the right hand of the throne in heaven. His ministry is superior, His is a better covenant. He put His laws in the minds and hearts of His followers. This new covenant makes the old one obsolete.
Jesus is both the High Priest and also the sacrifice. He is the perfect sacrifice for sin, shedding His blood and dying for, in the place of, sinners. Through Jesus we have a new and better covenant. This is God’s plan of salvation through which mankind can renew their relationship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus. This is God’s gift of eternal life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When God made the world and put people in it, His desire was for us to have a strong and healthy relationship with Him. Sadly, when the testing time came, people failed. Sin has impacted and controlled ever since. God had a plan to restore that relationship with Him. Jesus came to the world to be the perfect sacrifice to provide for forgiveness of sins and restoration of a relationship with God. This is also our “ticket” to heaven. I, and everyone, must apply God’s provision for heaven. But, it must be much more than just a fire escape. It must be growing in and developing a strong relationship with God. It must be trusting Him and wanting to live for Him.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to see this provision the Lord has given. It is the provision of hope for today and eternity. When I think of family members who have passed away, I can talk with hope. I know that, because of their faith in Jesus, they have entered His presence. I can help people by pointing them to the same hope they can have when they make Jesus their Lord.