Bible Chapter: Hebrews 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This chapter talks about a promise of rest. We are to enter that rest. This is available only to those who have believed and founded their lives on the salvation Jesus Christ purchased on the cross. This means we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and make Him our Lord (Leader). When He takes our sin, we enter the “rest” of forgiveness. Life is not perfect, for we are journeying through this evil world. The perfect rest comes as we leave this world and enter heaven. This rest is referred to as a sabbath-rest. This promised rest is both an earthly rest of peace with God and then eternal rest in heaven.
God’s Word is active in the journey to heaven. It speaks to the real issues of life and digs down into a person’s life. It penetrates deep and discerns the thoughts and attitudes of a person’s heart. This is why some people bristle at reading or hearing the Bible. It gets past their facade and gets to the real issues of life. Many have a superficial or artificial appearance, trying to make themselves look good. The Bible exposes the real issues of life.
The Bible also tells us that Jesus is our High Priest who knows all we are going through. He understands and is always open to welcome us to His presence to get the help we need. This passage is a great encouragement.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The emphasis on the discussion of God’s rest shows the importance of persevering in service to and submission to Jesus. Refusing to be faithful and obedient, not persevering in faith will result in not making it to the eternal promise of rest and rejoicing in heaven. I must continue to submit to Him and His directives revealed in the Bible. Whatever it takes here will be worth it to see Jesus and spend eternity in the rest promised.
I have the privilege of coming to the Lord any time without fear to get the help needed. We are needy people and require the continual divine assistance that only God can give.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to see what Jesus has offered to them when they submit to Him. This weary world needs genuine rest. It will only be found in Jesus. People need to respond to the influence of the Word and do what it says. I must help people see that.