Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bible Chapter: Titus 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    In reading this book I see the recurring theme of self-control.  This means that Christians must not allow anything or anyone to take over their lives other than God.  Through the power of God’s living within, believers are in control of thoughts, desires and actions.
    Paul told Titus to teach sound doctrine.  Sound doctrine (beliefs) is necessary and must be founded on God’s revealed Word.  We have it in the Bible.  Doctrine can ONLY be founded on the Bible.  Teaching can never be based on what is popular or what simply makes a person comfortable.  People can get comfortable in sin, and that is a dangerous place to be.  Good doctrine will guide a person to the Lord.  Some times the Bible afflicts the comfort of people.  This is because they are going the wrong direction and God has to get their attention.
    Note some of the words used in this chapter: temperate, worthy of respect, sound in faith, love and endurance.  Going on with the list: reverent, not slanderers or addicted, pure, kind, a good example, integrity . . . and the list goes on.  This leads to the application of God’s grace in salvation that teaches us to say NO to ungodliness and worldly passions.  What a world we would have if everyone would follow this book.  What a world we would have if even all those who claim Christianity would follow it.  These are awesome goals to strive for.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I see a great challenge to continue to apply verses 11-12.  God’s grace that brings salvation has appeared to all.  This teaches us to say NO (what part of no don’t you understand?) to ungodliness and world passions.  This is so we can live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this world.  Yes, we really can live a Godly lifestyle here in our present situations.  Some doubt it can be done, but the Bible says we can do it.  God really expects His followers to say NO to the tempter.  God gives us the strength and help we need, but we have to be the one who say no.  We are not to compromise and just “play around the edge” of sin.  Playing with temptation and sin will lead to destruction.
    Will God forgive sin?  Absolutely.  The problem is that often a person either doesn’t want to repent or even see the need to repent.  Many who have fallen into sin will reject any encouragement to come to repentance.  So, this chapter helps us as we say NO and don’t fall into the trap that says, “I can always repent later”.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Speaking to believers, I want to encourage all to study this chapter and pick out the behaviors and character traits listed.  Then, make a conscientious effort to grow in these areas and continually apply them.  No one who seriously strives to be following sound doctrine and living self-controlled and temperate will be drawn into active participation in sin.