Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Bible Chapter: Hebrews 13

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Having written quite an extensive letter, this chapter is a series of quick, ending thoughts.  There are several things that he wants them to think on.  Believers are challenged to keep on loving one another as the family of God.  Care about each other and take care of one another.
    Marriage is to be honored.  God created it at the beginning and gave it to a man and woman to form the basis for life and society.  Be faithful in marriage.  Be reminded that the marriage bed is to be kept pure.  God will judge the sexually immoral.  That is something that people have forgotten these days.
    Don’t love money.  It doesn’t say we can’t have money, it says to not love money.  Live life without coveting and learn to be content.  This is also a challenge in the modern world where there is so much material abundance.  But, we are to trust God and let Him provide.
    Be careful what you believe. Don’t let strange doctrines carry you away from the truth.  Teachers who are looking for a following will arise.  Reject them and stick with what the Bible really says.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Where do I start in trying to look at the various challenges that fill this chapter?  If I really act in love to other believers, I will help make the Lord’s work strong.  I must remember that we are all part of  God’s family and do all I can to show God’s love.
    I have the privilege of being faithful to my wife.  This is not a problem or a burden.  It is a privilege and I am happy to be with her for more than forty years and look forward to many more.  I am happy to honor marriage as God has created it.
    There are many more things I can comment on.  I will strive to take each item and apply them.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see what the clear teachings of the Bible are. I can challenge them to see the benefits of obedience.