Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bible Chapter: Hebrews 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The Law in the O.T. is a shadow of what was coming.  The repeated animal sacrifices would never complete the price for sin.  While they were being obedient at the time as they offered sacrifices, the blood of animals would not pay the price for sins.  They were a temporary provision for atonement.  Jesus’ death on the cross completed the needed sacrifice to satisfy God’s righteousness.  His sacrifice fulfilled all the requirements for the forgiveness of sin.
    Now, people can enter the holy presence of God by the blood of Jesus.  Believers can come before God with a clean conscience because of what Jesus accomplished.  Christians can and must walk daily in a worthy manner obedient to Christ.  We are to regularly gather to worship the Lord and encourage each other in our life of obedience.  Jesus is coming back to take us to be with Him and we must be ready at all times.  It is impossible to serve the Lord and be deliberately sinning at the same time.  In Christ we are being made holy.  This is a continuous action of daily living.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This chapter talks about the regular gathering of Christians to worship God and study the Bible.  This is regular church attendance.  One of the most important things believers can do is to put church attendance high on the priority list.  One of the easiest habits to break is going to church.  It shouldn’t be that way, but over the decades I have observed that it is.  So, if I am going to be a mature and continually growing believer, I must make attending church often my regular routine.  I remember growing up that it was never a question, “Do I have to go to church today?”  I knew I was going, we all were.
    Another topic in this chapter is living a holy life.  The Fire Bible footnote for verse 14 includes this statement: “Note that the Greek word “made holy” here and in v. 10 is a present participle, emphasizing continuous action in the present.”  This is not a one time event where someone prayed a prayer of salvation years ago and nothing happened since.  It means that daily I must strive to live a life reflecting the holiness of God (continuous action).  It is a challenge, but it can and must be done.  If everyone one in the world who claims Christianity would live a holy life, the world would be completely changed.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can encourage those who claim Jesus to live a life that reflects Him and His nature.  We are called to live like Jesus.  I also will encourage people to go to church and actively participate.  That will make a major difference in their lives.