Bible Chapter: Hebrews 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Don’t walk away. Don’t let anything cause you to stray from your personal relationship with Jesus. Don’t lose out on the gift of eternal life that Jesus bought and paid for on the cross. This isn’t exactly what this chapter says, but it talks about those who fall away. There is no reason worth falling away from what Jesus offers.
God’s promises remain for us and they are consistent. This includes the amazing statement in verse 18 that says it is impossible for God to lie. It is not in His nature. The Bible says that Jesus is truth. Lies come from Satan. While many people tell lies, no one wants anyone to lie to them. Satan lies to us all the time. God tells us the truth. God gives us a solid hope and we can be encouraged. Our hope is an anchor for our souls that comes from Jesus.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the sections in my Bible for this chapter is called “Encouragement to be faithful”. I like that. Being faithful is something anyone can do. We can’t all do the same things. We don’t have the same skills and abilities. We don’t all have the same intelligence. But, whoever we are, we can be faithful to God. We can serve Him as He has called us to do. We can be consistent and growing spiritually. We can be faithful. And, adding that to the hope we have in Jesus, we can some day stand before Jesus and hear Him say welcome, well done.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help by not walking away when things get tough. I can show people that it is worth it to live for Jesus. I have met too many people who have walked away from the Lord because someone did something they should not have done. I can help them to see the Lord, not people who will fail them.