Monday, March 4, 2013

Bible Chapter: Romans 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    An interesting topic here: judging others.  There is confusion about this issue.  Some say that since we are not to judge others we should never make any kind of observation about others.  This almost gives people the permission to sin.  There is a difference between judging with a condemning attitude and seeing active sin in another person.  Here Paul is talking about the personal convictions some Christians had about eating meat, especially since it might have been used in heathen sacrifices.  He said that those who have those convictions to avoid meat should not be judged.  It wasn’t a moral or ethical matter.  Some believers had strong convictions about it.
    This brings me to a thought - it seems to me that not enough Christians in the modern world have strong convictions about their actions.  They just go along with the crowd so that often there seems to be no difference between believers and the world.  While it can get out of hand and judgmental, it can also become so carefree that sin is excused.  Christians must seek God’s guidance for establishing personal convictions, and at the same time allow others to do the same.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Developing strong Biblical beliefs and personal convictions helps in developing a true personal holiness.  The Bible clearly tells us to be holy, just as God is holy.  One of the struggles that comes is just what does that mean?  What is holiness?  The answer to that question requires deep personal honesty.  It is easy to say “Oh, there’s nothing wrong with that”, when, “that” is something a person really wants to do.  I have seen people change their theology to fit the issues and desires of life.  That is not true holiness.
    So, I must continue to strive to understand the intent of the message of the Bible.  This comes when I am not trying to make excuses but learn what the Bible really says.  This will help me understand what being holy is all about.

3.  How can I help someone?
    At this time I am thinking of helping Christians understand the balance of judging and holiness.  Judging that condemns is against the Bible.  Helping a believer understand accountability is a different issue.  I can also help believers understand the concepts of holiness and how they can apply it in their lives.