Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 9

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    One thought that jumps out to me is Paul’s statement that he MUST preach the gospel.  This makes me think of the things that people do with their lives.  This is a good question: what MUST I do?  Some give everything they have for some strange causes.  Then, there are those who would think that giving your life for the preaching of the gospel is strange.  What is accomplished with a person’s life?  Paul was striving to accomplish something that will last.  The only thing that will really last is an eternal soul won to Jesus.  Everything else will at some time fade.
    I have been to some very old historical sites.  I have seen ruins from the ancient Roman and Phoenician cities.  At one time they were massive and impressive. Now, they are places where special care is taken to preserve what is left.  These places are now good for nothing more than tourism and lessons about what used to be.  I one time stood in the ruins of a castle that was over 1,200 years old. All that remained of that one-time massive and impressive structure was the foundation and some steps.  The only things that will last are eternal things such as eternal souls won to Jesus.  Paul said, woe is me if I preach not the gospel.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Run the race. Give it your all.  Those who run a race do it to win, to win the prize.  Any human race is for a prize that will only last for a while.  Paul was challenging believers in Jesus to run the race for eternity and win the eternal prize - eternal life with Jesus.  Those who reach the highest levels of athletic competition must make many sacrifices and control their desires so they can reach their greatest potential.  Those who fail to exercise self control and be willing to deny their selfish desires will be disqualified from eternal rewards.  The Christian life requires holy living.  This sometimes requires hardships.  Whatever it is I must run the race and not give up.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I must help believers see the issue of faithfully running the race.  I must help them see the reason for the race and keep proper focus.  We are running this race of life for God’s honor and glory.  Jesus didn’t give up when He wanted to just before the cross.  We must not give up, either.