Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What did Paul bring to the church in Corinth? He didn’t come with fancy words or arguments but with preaching the testimony of God. He didn’t try to “wow them” with fancy words or arguments. Instead, he only wanted them to know Jesus and Him crucified. This is a foundational insight to the Christian life - I must know Jesus and grow to understand what Jesus went through for the human race. He did not play spiritual games. Paul didn’t try to show them he was a super-spiritual person. He came with his human weaknesses and glorified Jesus. Verse 5 shows his goal, that their faith should stand in the power of God. People who are trying to live the Christian life based on exciting religious experiences and cutting edge technology will be disappointed and probably give up.
Godly wisdom is completely different from the rest of the world. The approach to life from the evil one’s perspective is different. Christians must understand this. Paul didn’t come to them with worldly wisdom. It takes spiritual insight to grasp what God has for us.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must continue to seek the mind of Christ. This means to continue to seek His will and plan for life in general and for my life. I must continue to grow in understanding the holiness of God and His perspective regarding sin. God’s wisdom is radically different from the wisdom of the world. God looks at life from an eternal perspective, which is what I and all believers must do.
I must continue to strive to grow in God’s power. It is easy to reach a place where I know I am saved and going to continue to serve the Lord. I can become complacent. I must not let that happen but continue to grow in the application of God’s power.
3. How can I help someone?
People won’t come to a genuine relationship with Jesus through deceit and trying to trick them into believing. Paul talked about coming with a demonstration of the Spirit and power. People will be drawn to Jesus, to Him, to His power and impact in life. I must always remember that.