Friday, March 22, 2013

Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    How does the work of God’s Kingdom get done?  It is through God’s power.  God’s power works in the through people.  The power of the Holy Spirit, working through believers, accomplishes God’s eternal plan and purposes.  The Spirit works through believers and Jesus is glorified.  The gifts that God gives are not to exalt an individual or show they are more spiritual or valuable than others.  All believers are of equal value to God.  We must all do what God has enabled us to do so the work of God is accomplished.  God’s gifts are for the world today and believers must use what God has given to them.
    It is interesting to see all the different gifts God gives to His people. In my travels I met a man at a church who takes notes in every Sunday morning service.  He then goes home and writes a poem based on the message preached.  I had the privilege of preaching at that church and was amazed at the poem the man wrote.  He captured the essence of the message, including listing all the verses read in the service.  I was very impressed.  He uses this literary gift each week and the church posts them on their web site.  This man faithfully expands the ministry of the preaching given in the morning service through his writings.  I can tell you I could never do that.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I need to look at the gifts and desires God has put in my life.  I must develop them and then use them.  I am coming to understand that some things that seem simple and common to me are not necessarily so simple or common to others.  I must do what God has enabled me to do.  I see things others are doing for God and say I know I can’t do it like they do.  But, when we all pull together and do what we are gifted at, the work will get done.  The illustration of the human body is used in this chapter.  God has crafted us with an amazing collection of parts that work well together.  I depend of all the parts of my body, the parts I can see and the parts I can’t, to all work in harmony to allow me to live my daily life. The church is dependent on all of the members of the body to work together as well.  When that happens God is glorified and His purposes are accomplished.  I must do my part.  I cannot do the parts others should.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Some have a hard time identifying what their gifts are.  Some think that it all should come easily and naturally without any work.  God gives gifts but we must develop them (can you say hard efforts required?).  I can help people understand this and help them see how God wants to use them.