Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Verse two is one that I have felt for a long time is very practical to the Christian life. We live in a culture of success. The more successful a person is the better they are (according to culture). This thinking has permeated the church as well. We celebrate fame and fortune spiritually. People flock to hear a famous preacher. But, this verse doesn’t call for success, but faithfulness.
1 Corinthians 4:2 Amplified Bible
2 Moreover, it is [essentially] required of stewards that a man should be found faithful [proving himself worthy of trust].
Those who serve the Lord must be faithful in that service. The human definition of success interferes with God’s call to faithfulness. Not everyone will be able to achieve the world’s version of success, but all who call on Jesus can be faithful to that commitment. We can use our gifts and talents received from God and be faithful in doing what we can for the Lord. This does not excuse laziness or not trying. If we are faithful the way God calls us to be we will be successful. Jesus will give a “well done” to all who are really faithful.
Paul challenged his readers to listen to his teachings and follow him. No, he was not creating a cult of “Paul”, but reminding them of the teachings he gave them to bring them to Jesus. They must stay on the same track and grow closer to Jesus. They must not stray with the latest trends promoted by some in the church.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Paul talked about the power of God’s Kingdom. He talked about living in God’s power. There is a difference between having a smooth presentation, being a slick talker and trying to manipulate people and ministering in God’s power. I think of a song that someone wrote a long time ago: More of You, More of You, I’ve had it all but what I need is more of You.
Lord, I need more of you. Growing closer to the Lord is more important than becoming well known. I always need more of the Lord.
3. How can I help someone?
I must be faithful to the Lord. If I am faithful I will do the things God wants me to do, and people will be helped.