Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.God has given His supernatural spiritual gifts to the church. They are used by God to advance His work and purpose. They are used to strengthen the individual believers as well as the church body together. God uses believers who are filled with His Spirit in various ways. These gifts are for the church until Jesus returns, so, they are for today. We are told here to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts. We must be open to be used by God in the gifts as He empowers us.
This chapter talks much about the gift of tongues. Paul was not putting down the use of this gift. It seems that the Corinthian church was giving an over emphasis to this gift, so Paul was giving them some guidance in the proper use and balance of the gifts. In no way does he say that this gift, or any spiritual gift, was to be rejected or would not be used by God. He was speaking that they would use all the gifts in a proper way.
There are eternal benefits from the use of the gifts of the Spirit as God enables. In a church service they are to be properly used. Everything is to be done decently and in order. When that happens God speaks to people and ministers to their needs.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must be open to all the ways that God wants to use me in the gifts of the Spirit. I must not be shy to let the Spirit work through me. I have sometime felt pressure to be cautious, probably overly so, in how I would be used by the Holy Spirit in the gifts. While I must be sure God is prompting me, I also must not allow any fear to interrupt what God wants to do. There is no doubt that the gifts of the Spirit are for today. We see them in operation when great things are happening for the Lord and lives are being changed.
3. How can I help someone?
I must be open to the Spirit to be used in the gifts to minister to people. I must be willing to take a step of faith to be used. God has not given us the spirit of fear. I believe that all believers can continue to learn more and more how God wants to use them in various works of ministry.