Friday, March 15, 2013

Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The first thought that comes to me as I read this chapter is that the modern world desperately need to read it.  We live in a world dominated by greed and uncontrolled passions.  Lawsuits are rampant with the desire to get all they can from someone else.  Especially for Christians, people need to think of verse 7.  Why not be willing to take a loss and get on with life?  The New Living Translation says “. . .Why not just accept the injustice and leave it at that? Why not let yourselves be cheated?”  That concept goes completely against modern thought.  But then, most of the Bible does that.
    The other theme that desperately needs to be grasped today is the Biblical standards of morality.  It clearly says that unrighteous people will NOT inherit the gift of eternal life in God’s kingdom.  The habitual practice of sin will be judged by God.  To take the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and bring it to participate in sinful immorality will be strongly judged by God.  Instead, we are to flee, to run, to get as far away from sin (and especially here it is talking about sexual sin) to get as far away from it as we can.  Jesus bought us with a price, His death on the cross.  We cannot make that price of no effect.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I can keep my priorities straight.  I must not get caught up in greed to seek material gain at the suffering of others.  Jesus was willing to take whatever loss it took to advance God’s plan.  That is a good example to follow.
    Especially with the easy access to pornographic entertainment, especially with the fact that a multitude of TV programs focus their laugh lines on sexual sin, I must and all believers must reject any involvement in this filth.  I need to call it what it is.  It is filth.  Verse 18 says to flee fornication.  Today people have a variety of terms to make things horrible seem more acceptable.  Let’s call sin what it is, sin.  Let’s make it our goal to get close to Jesus and far from sin.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people to see that we can live moral and righteous lives by living that way myself.  I must flee the places where sin is rampant and set a good example.  I think that some believe it is not possible to really live a moral life today.  I must help them see that, with God’s help, it is not only possible but expected.