Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bible Chapter: I Corinthians 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Believers in Jesus are called to be holy, to live a holy life.  This means we are to live pure lives separated from active participation in sin.  Some act like this is impossible.  We can live holy lives and should expect to continue to grow in holiness.  No, we are not perfect, but we should expect to see more and more of Jesus in our hearts and lives and less and less of sin and the desire to keep on sinning.  We must quit making excuses for sinning.  We must not trip over the sin that is so rampant in the world today.
    The Corinthian church did not lack in spiritual gifts.  These are important for a local church and the individual lives of the believers.  We need the power of the Holy Spirit to do the work of the ministry all believers are called to do.  We all have different works for the Lord, but we all need the power of the Spirit.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One of the first things Paul spoke of in his letter to the church in Corinth was the issue of spiritual unity.  Quickly division sprang up, (remember how early this was in the history of the church) and this was specifically dealing with the issue of various spiritual leaders.  Some claimed to follow one leader, others another, and some felt superior to say they only followed Jesus.  When the enemy can get Christians fighting among themselves they won’t be fighting him.  Even today people divide up by saying they follow this preacher or that one.  They put spiritual leaders at odds with each other.  I am NOT in competition with those God has called to preach the Gospel.  In another place Paul said that he was happy when the Gospel was preached.  I will not get caught up in a competition with other preachers.  I will work for the Lord and rejoice when He is glorified through the ministry of others.
    I find this topic of unity over and over in the New Testament.  I see the need to emphasize it because strife continually tries to rise up in the church.  We are here to work for Jesus, and that settles it.  The church is a great place to be when we keep the proper focus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    When people try to compare one minister and another, I won’t get caught up in that game.  I will help them see that it is all about Jesus and not specific people.  We are here to proclaim Jesus, Who is a stumbling block to many.  I will help people see Jesus.  When they see Jesus they are delivered from the thought that the Bible is foolishness to seeing that it is the power of God to salvation for ALL who believe.