Monday, December 7, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ezekiel 9:10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We see here a picture of coming judgment. After Ezekiel saw how corrupt Jerusalem had become, God called for judgement.  One messenger was sent to spare the small minority that had been faithful. The spiritual leaders of Israel openly promoted idolatrous beliefs.  Sadly, the people abandoned God and followed them.
God’s glory.  God is completely above people and their limitations. His presence is overwhelming. God loves us so much that He reveals Himself to us so that we can worship and follow him.  
We see here that the glory of the Lord rose. The focus here is the departure of God’s glory, His presence from the temple and Jerusalem because of the sin of the nation.  God’s glory left the innermost sanctuary of the temple, then it went through the temple. The glory then passed over the entrance. The cherubim moved with the glory to the east gate and then left the temple area.  The glory of God left the temple because of the people’s sin and idolatry. God is holy, pure, perfect and has nothing to do with evil.
God told the man with the writer’s case to put a mark on those who were faithful to God. Their faithfulness was determined by their sorrow over the people’s sin. Those with the mark were spared when the destruction of the wicked people came.
The people made excuses and said the Lord wouldn’t see their sin.  The deception that “It doesn’t matter” destroyed them.  Never make excuses to sin.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We who call ourselves believers must passionately desire God’s glory and His presence.  We must also have a strong hatred for sin and immorality.  Any other attitude will lead to spiritual compromise and God’s judgment.  I believe that the strong presence of God, the glory of God, is what the world is longing for.  I believe that most people who call themselves Christians have not fully experienced the glory of God. If they did they would want more of HIM and not be satisfied with the entertainment called church in so many places.

3.  How can I help someone?
Call on God for His powerful presence.  You will discover that nothing else that anyone can offer even comes close.