Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ezekiel 21 & 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
As I continue to read the prophetic words given from God for His people, I am continually reminded that people don’t seem to change.  Today there is still judgement coming on the world because they refuse to obey God.  God promised judgment against Jerusalem and the nation of Judah to come by the Babylonian army, the sword.  They would be destroyed.  And, because of the sin of many, even the righteous would suffer along with the wicked.  Ezekiel did emphasize that the righteous would not undergo the eternal punishment of the wicked.  But, they all suffered the consequences.  Today, people are just as stubborn and defiant against God.  So, judgement and discipline is here and more is also coming.
History repeats itself.  Jerusalem had become a violent place filled with wickedness.  Respect for God, families and those in need was gone.  Does that sound like today?  Sexual immorality was common.  Back then, as well as today, people turn from God and reject His commands.  This brought judgment and always brings judgement.  Unless our nation repents, we will also bring on God’s judgement.  We cannot try to cover up sin and make it look righteous.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Many years ago I heard a man preaching on verse 30, where God said He looked for someone to rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. He searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so He wouldn’t have to judge the land, but He found no one.  The challenge given was that there needs to be believers who pray, who stand in the spiritual gap to intercede.  We were challenged to be that person.  Ezekiel wrote about 2,600 years ago, and I heard this challenge over 35 years ago, but the need today is greater than ever.  God needs people to stand up against evil, not compromise with it. He needs people to be spiritually strong and not cave to the iniquity in the world.  God looked for a man to stand in the gap and found none.  Today, can God find people to stand in the gap?  A powerful question.  I want to stand for God’s way.

3.  How can I help someone?
You may be having fun for a while.  The Bible talks about the pleasures of sin for a season.  The thing about seasons is that they always end.  Then, if a person is active in sin, payday comes. Those who judge themselves in need of God’s forgiveness and receive it will be spared from the eternal judgement and, instead, receive God’s eternal reward.  There is only one way, His name is Jesus.