Saturday, December 12, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ezekiel 13 & 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God sent His message to the people.  It was against the false prophets of Israel because they were inventing their own prophecies.  They were not hearing from God.  God promised them sorrow because they were following their own imaginations and had received nothing from God. They were making it all up to gain a following of people.  The Lord was against the false prophets who were prophesying  that judgment was not coming. They were saying that the nation was secure and had nothing to worry about.  Rebellion was a major part of what was going on.  These false prophets gave the rebellious people a false sense of security.  They were saying all is peaceful when there was no peace at all.
God told the prophets that they had discouraged the righteous with their lies.  He also proclaimed that these leaders had set up idols in their hearts. They embraced things that would make them fall into sin.  God promised to respond with the kind of answer their great idolatry deserves.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Idolatry in the heart.  This is a powerful message in these chapters.  Some of the influential men were guilty of idolatry in their hearts. Their loyalty to God faded and they allowed other things to take priority in their lives. They rejected God’s purposes and lived a sinful lifestyle.
What happens to people who abuse their leadership positions like that?  God will judge and bring punishment on those who claim to believe in Him while they reject what God says about living a holy life.  Immorality takes over.  These leaders who live in insurrection against God and then expect Him to answer their prayers will some day have a rude awakening.  They are hypocrites and enemies of God.  They will be destroyed.  I must always remember this lesson.

3.  How can I help someone?
The short-term fun that one has while sinning will soon turn to ruin, frustration and defeat.  The consequences that will come will always be a larger price to pay that was expected.  Sinful activities always leave a person disillusioned and looking for answers.  The real meaning of life is found in obedience to God and learning to follow His ways.  This is eternal fulfillment.