Saturday, December 26, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ezekiel 33 & 34

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
A watchman on the wall.  This metaphor to the spiritual leaders who are called to speak the truth is just as needed today as it was back in Ezekiel’s time.  A watchman was placed on the city wall to look out for invaders.  If he saw devastation coming and did not warn the people, he would be held responsible for their deaths.  Today we have spiritual leaders, pastors, who are accountable to warn people about God’s truth.  If they are uncommitted or rebellious against God, and do not warn the people, they will be held accountable for the people’s spiritual destruction.  Sadly, there are many who fit that description.
Ezekiel was God’s watchman to the nation and he was to faithfully continue to warn the people to turn from sin and accept God’s salvation.  Sadly, today, many pastors are not warning, but they are changing God’s truth to make it more acceptable and be more popular.  Jesus never worried about popularity, and, neither should spiritual leaders today.  Serving the Lord is not a popularity contest.
Another important point: God takes no pleasure in the death of wicked people.  He does not delight in bringing judgment on rebellious people.  His righteousness requires it.   He desires that everyone to turn to Him for salvation.  God judges everyone fairly.  So, it is imperative that people repent.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The people were listening to Ezekiel, but they were ignoring him.  They refused to change their hearts, attitudes and lifestyles.  They were living far from the Lord.  It seemed that they were more interested in entertainment and were not living for the Lord.  Today we see drifting in churches, and times of worship to God do not seem to be holy before God.  A greater emphasis is put on performance or entertainment.  Who has the best musicians and lights?  These things in and of themselves do not truly honor God and his Word.  We must not only go through a form, but we must really serve and worship God.
Ezekiel prophesied against the spiritual leaders of Israel.  They failed to direct God’s people in the right way because of greed, corruption and selfishness.  They used their positions for personal gain rather than leading the people to God.  God held them responsible for Judah’s problems and He judged them harshly.  Those who are faithful spiritual shepherds truly care for the people.  God will bring blessings on them.  They search for people and bring them to the Lord.  Having spent my life in ministry, I understand this issue and see the importance of telling the truth to people, even when they don’t want to hear it.  I also understand the pressure to compromise to make people happy.  Compromise is not an option.

3.  How can I help someone?
Because of Jesus, we have a covenant of peace. He will restore the peace and perfection that described life before sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden.  We have His peace in our hearts when we serve Him and have the promise of eternal peace in our eternal home that He is preparing for all who love Him.