Thursday, December 3, 2015

Bible Chapter: Ezekiel 5 & 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The more I read the prophets, the more I see the truths of the Bible. God is consistent and truth is unchanging.  When people who know better obey, they receive the presence and blessings of God. When they decide to do whatever they want (actively participate in sin), they bring on God’s judgement.  We see this in these chapters.  God was angry with Jerusalem because the people had defiled the temple through idol worship.  They had been warned, but they did it anyway.  As a result, God said He would cut them off completely. He would show no pity because they had defiled His Temple with their vile images and detestable sins.
We must never view God as unwilling to punish those who defile His work and Word.  He will judge those who reject His commands. God keeps his Word, and He will judge sinners. The result was war, famine and disease.  The pagan shrines and altars were demolished, and the places of worship destroyed.
Then when they were in exile among the nations, they remembered the Lord. They recognized how hurt God was by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that longed for their idols.  God was really saddened and hurt by the people’s spiritual adultery.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One part of this passage really jumped out to me.  The prophet gave God’s message that people will know that He alone is the Lord and that He is serious when He says that He will bring calamity on them for their sin. Throughout history we have seen this happen over and over. Yet, people seem to not learn and keep repeating the sins of the past while rejecting God’s eternal truth.  I must be alert to not fall into these traps.

3.  How can I help someone?
The more I know the Bible, live it and share it, the more I can help people see the truth.  There is much fear and confusion spreading throughout society.  The only real hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation He bought and paid for on the cross.