Friday, May 9, 2014

Bible Chapter: II Samuel 21 & 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    At the end of this historical writing we find a few stories about David.  These are like an appendix to the rest of the story.  There is the story of a famine that came because of King Saul’s failure to fulfill a treaty with the Gibeonites.  Promises made are important and God showed that to Israel.
    We also see a recollection of some of the wars with the Philistines.  It seems to me that they were always fighting the Philistines.  God gave Israel many victories.
    These chapters also include a Psalm written by David.  This probably was written early in his journey and before his involvement with Bathsheba.  We see the importance of obedience.  We see that God is faithful.  David said that God rewarded him for his faithfulness.  If only David had remembered that when he was tempted.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    King David had a life filled with adventures.  He lived some exciting stories.  I must remember that many of them were very difficult to live through.  The pain and temptations were real.  It is easy to look at stories such as his clash with Goliath and think they were simply an easy experience.  Yes, he expressed great faith in God.  But he also had to go out in battle against someone who, by all human understanding, could easily kill him.  David expressed his faith in God many times.
    The lesson for today is to learn from David’s faith and failures.  Be encouraged and inspired by his faith.  Be challenged by his failures and learn from them.  Learn to worship God as David did.

3.  How can I help someone?
    God is worthy of all our worship.  Worship God and give Him all the glory and honor.  God is worthy of our obedience.  Learn what God taught and then apply it.