Monday, May 12, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Kings 3 & 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    In the world of kings and nations, it was common for a king to wish the death and destruction of other kings out of fear that they might try to conquer their kingdom.  As Solomon was beginning his reign, one night in his sleep God came in a dream.  He asked Solomon what he would like.  Solomon realized that his responsibilities as a king were far beyond anything he could do by himself.  So, he asked God for a discerning heart so he could govern the people and distinguish between right and wrong.  God’s response was that since he had asked for that and not the death of his enemies or long life and wealth, God would give him wisdom beyond anything anyone had seen.  He would also prosper him with great wealth.  Solomon ended up having countless servants and extreme wealth.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    In the process of his dream, God spoke to Solomon that he must follow God’s ways.  He told Solomon that if he would walk in God’s ways and obey His commandments, then God’s blessings would be on him.  One would think that, with all the wisdom Solomon had, this would be a foregone conclusion.  Sadly, we know that Solomon didn’t use all the wisdom that he had and made many foolish choices.
    What can I apply in life?  While I don’t know everything, or even close to everything, I do know many of the principles and truths the Bible reveals.  As God said to Solomon, “if you will walk in My ways . . .”, so these truths apply to me and each one of us today.  If we will walk in God’s ways He will be with us and we will be spared from so many of the trials and problems the come as a result of sin.

3.  How can I help someone?
    While Solomon’s wisdom was a specific gift from God and he was recognized as being wiser than any other man, each one of us can gain wisdom that will guide us in life.  Then we need to use the wisdom we gain.  It is also great wisdom to listen to people who really do know what they are talking about and apply what they say in our lives.  Seek and follow Godly wisdom.