Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bible Chapter: II Kings 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    When God tells someone that they will be judged, then it will happen.  Much earlier Elijah had prophesied that Ahab’s descendants would all be destroyed.  God judged this stubborn and rebellious family that continued to follow false gods.  Their influence corrupted the nation of Israel.  So, God’s judgement was righteous.  This warns all people that God will judge sin.  God will reward or punish every person according to what they do.
    When Ahab and Jezebel had previously deceived and stolen a field from Naboth, they influenced their children against God.  One of the consequences was when their dead son was dumped in that field.  This is a warning to parents that their actions will impact future generations.
    Jehu became the king. God used him to drive out Baal worship.  This was a good thing to do and he was obedient.  Sadly, his heart was not fully towards God and he allowed some ungodly things to remain.  The Bible says here that he was not careful to keep the law.  His zeal didn’t overcome his political reasons to allow some idol worship to continue. He hindered the spiritual reform that God was desiring.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    When God gives a responsibility, it is important to fulfill it.  Jehu did some of what God wanted, and that was good.  Unfortunately, he didn’t complete the task or have a heart to keep all of God’s law.  This was a failure.  God isn’t looking for people to play some of the game and then quit at halftime.  The Bible says that God will reward those who persevere to the end.  Stick with whatever God has given you to do.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Press on.  Keep going.  Obey God completely.  Get close to God and learn what He wants.  Then do what God wants.