Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bible Chapter: II Kings 3 & 4

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Is anything too hard for God?  Is there anything that is a genuine need of a person that God’s power can’t supply?  We see God’s amazing ability here.  The army needed water.  It was no problem for God to supply it. And, in God’s creativity, He used that same water to provide victory over the enemy.
    We also see the spiritual battle that continues even to this day.  After a human sacrifice, the forces of evil were unleashed in the battle against Israel.  God’s power is always greater.  However, we can see that the forces of evil do have power.  We must always remember to put our trust in God.
    We also see here another example of how God’s power was shown through the prophet, Elisha.  There was a destitute widow and God miraculously provided as she used the one small container of oil to pour oil in to many other containers.  She sold the oil and had money to live on.  Again, we see God’s miraculous power and His creativity.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    It is very easy to let fear take over and wonder how we will make it.  There are many people who have lots of money and living a luxurious life.  They live a lifestyle that I could never afford.  Then, as I read stories like these I am reminded that God, who made everything out of nothing, can still take nothing and make it enough.  God provided for a widow, water for the thirsty, a son for a childless couple, poisonous food made safe and food for many people.  What is too hard for God?  Nothing.  This is encouraging.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Trust God.  Let Him be the source of life, hope and provision.  God is more powerful than the devourer.  God is the provider.