Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bible Chapter: I Kings 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    A tour of King Solomon’s holdings was the original lifestyles of the rich and famous.  The homes he had, the vast amount of gold, the horses and chariots and everything else added up to so much that it was hard to fathom.  One time I visited the Palace of Versailles southwest of Paris.  We where there for hours and only saw part of it.  It was unbelievable to think that anyone could live in that kind of splendor.  King Solomon made gold so common that silver was not considered valuable.  Along with his vast wealth, Solomon amazed everyone with his wisdom.  When the Queen of Sheba visited, she was astonished that he could answer any question she posed.  All of this was very impressive.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    It would be easy to focus on the vast wealth Solomon accumulated.  People today are especially impressed by excess.  But, here in this application question I want to focus on chapter nine where God appeared to King Solomon.  God told him that if he would walk before God in integrity of heart and uprightness, then He would establish his royal throne over Israel forever.  But, if he or his sons didn’t observe God’s commandments, then it all would be taken away and people would ridicule.  All of his imposing accomplishments would fade away.  I have been in Israel and seen the ruins of some of Solomon’s buildings. And, ruins is the word for it.  They are just piles of rocks.
    The application: I am reminded of a saying I heard many times in my youth.  “Only one life will soon be passed.  Only what’s done for Christ will last.”  The only things that really last are what is done for Jesus.  It is vital to keep an eternal focus in mind while life is lived.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see with eternal eyes.  What, invest in missions when I could have a new _________________?  Why would I want to do that???  The answer is that it is an investment in eternity.  Invest in the lives of your family.  Put your effort in to people and bring them to Jesus.  That’s eternity.