Friday, April 5, 2013

Bible Chapter: II Corinthians 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The first thing that stands out to me in reading this chapter is the cost of serving the Lord.  This is especially true for those in positions of leadership as Paul was.  As a servant of God he commended himself to them through a long list of trials, character traits and perseverance.  Through all of this they kept up the work God called them to do.  The amount of suffering they endured is overwhelming.  I’m sure there were many times when they wanted to quit, but they refused to do so.
    This chapter also has a powerful teaching about the truth of separation between believers and the rest of the world.  We are not called to simply blend in and be like everyone else.  We are called to be separate.  Two very important questions to answer: What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  What harmony is there between Jesus and the devil?  The obvious answer is “none”.  Since there is no comparison, all believers must live a life separated from active participation in sin.  Yes, we are living in this world and must make an impact on it.  But, we must not participate in the sinful activities and lifestyles of the world.  If we are going to have a solid relationship with Jesus we must live separate from the activities of the world.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Verses 3-10 provide a challenging list of events and actions that mark Paul’s life.  How do they speak of my life?  I don’t think any believer longs for the struggles he endured, but they speak of the commitment required for those who follow Jesus.  The character issues included in this list also speak a challenge to live and apply them.  It is not only theory we are to learn from the Bible, it is the practical living that we must learn and practice.
    I must also learn the application of what it means to be separate from the world.  I must implement the coming out from the world and being separate.  In my ramblings through life I have found many who, in the name of living the Christian life, have entered into many questionable activities.  They found much justification for it all.  My understanding of this passage is that we must strive to get as close to Jesus as we can, not see how far away we can live without rejecting Jesus as Savior.

3.  How can I help someone?
    There is an old song that says “People need the Lord”.  That is true.  People need to see what sin is and the impact it makes in their lives.  Both believers and those who have not make a personal commitment to Jesus need to know that Jesus came to separate us from active participation in sin.  The life and lifestyle of sin is very hard and destructive.  I must help people see the blessings of living close to Jesus.