Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bible Chapter: Galatians 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    One of the major themes on the book is the people who were trying to put the church into spiritual bondage.  Paul called them false brothers who infiltrated the ranks.  Their goal was to make the believers slaves to laws and rules.  Some of these folks thought they were very important.  Paul wouldn’t give them any response to their supposed importance.
    When someone, even a well-known and respected leader, strays from living the truth, they need to be challenged.  Paul challenged Peter and opposed him to his face when Peter was caught up in the false practice of neglecting fellowship with the gentiles.  When some of the Jewish believers came to visit, Peter refused to eat with the gentiles.  This hypocrisy was destructive to the local church and Paul wouldn’t stand for it.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    What can I apply?  Consistency.  It is one thing to study the Bible and know what it teaches and expects.  It is another to literally and consistently apply it in real life.  Living a consistent Christian life, no matter who may be around, is expected.  Peter’s actions here always surprise me because he was the one who first took the Gospel to the gentiles at the house of Cornelius.  (See Acts chapters 10 & 11.)  God gave him a vision and he went there to preach.  Then Peter traveled to the church in Jerusalem and defended his actions.  Now, later, Peter was hypocritical and not eating with the gentiles at certain times.  God calls for us to be consistent.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I can help people see the real freedom available to all believers.  Before knowing Jesus as a personal Savior people are lost and bound in sin.  Jesus offers freedom.  Then, as they serve the Lord they must continue to live in that freedom and not allow themselves to bound in the law.