Friday, April 19, 2013

Bible Chapter: Galatians 3

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    What an interesting way to start out this chapter - you foolish Galatians.  Paul said they were bewitched by false teaching.  They began their Christian walk in the Spirit, they began by faith.  Then they began to try to live it by human effort.  Do good spiritual thing happen because a person observes the law or because they believe?  They were getting sidetracked from the true path of Christianity to the pride of human efforts.  I see that same concept in the world today when people say they are a good person and don’t need to enter a personal relationship with Jesus.  It is their pride, their belief in their own efforts that keeps them from reaching out to Jesus.
    Paul pointed out that God had given the law, but it was not to the be ultimate end.  Instead, it was a teacher to point people to Jesus.  Our justification is by faith, not good efforts on our part.  Believers are children of God.  Those who have been baptized have put on Christ and we all are one in Him.  I have had the privilege of meeting believers in several nations. As we have worshiped the Lord there has been a unity that became evident.  Cultural, racial or economic differences didn’t matter when it came to preaching and praying.  We were/are one in Jesus.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Anything I can accomplish in life is because of what God has done and enabled me to do.  I will stick to trusting God and applying faith in Him.  I don’t want to slip into the same situation that Paul chastised the Galatians for - having begun in faith now relying on human efforts.  I will continue to believe.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I will be ready to help people see that any of our human efforts will fall short and always disappoint us.  Many are members of a church and relying on that ritual to take them to heaven.  Many have gone through a church teaching and process and point to that.  If that fails to point them to Jesus and a personal relationship with Him then it has failed.  I want to help people really see Jesus.