Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bible Chapter: Luke 3

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Chapter three is Luke’s covering of the work of John the Baptist in his preparation to present Jesus to the world.  John was a clear preacher who told the truth, whether people liked it or not.  Just ask Herod.  He called for real changes in the lives of his hearers.  One word that sticks out to me is repent.  He said we are to produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
    My picture of repentance is turning around and going the other way.  It’s not just I’m sorry that I got caught, but being sorry I did “it” and I don’t plan to do “it” again.  Fruit of repentance is evidence in my lifestyle that things are different then they were before the impact of Jesus in my life.  My lifestyle is different from the sinful world around me.  I am concerned by the observations I make in the church world today that show a real lack of repentance and separation from active participation in sin.  Instead of lifestyles that express the thought of “how close can I get to Jesus”, I see “how much can I get away with and still make it to heaven”.  That is not grasping the truth of what repentance is.  John said God’s ax is ready to hit the root of the tree that doesn’t produce good fruit.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I need to grasp the benefits of understanding repentance and applying it in life.  God is not out to take away all my fun.  He knows the difference between real fun and the pleasures of sin for a season.  Sinful things can be fun, but there is always an eventual payday.  Sin costs something sometime down the line.  It is always more than we are willing to pay.  I remember checking in to a motel one time and there was confusion regarding the cost.  The manager said, “Just check in and we will get this settled”.  I refused, lest the price turn out to be something I couldn’t afford to pay.  The tempter is always saying, “Just go ahead and have your fun and we’ll worry about the details later”.  I must refuse if there is any question regarding the rightness of an action, lest the cost show up later and be something I can’t afford to pay.
    Jesus already paid for our sins.  When we receive forgiveness the debt is paid.  I must not incur more debt to sin.  I’m reminded of Romans 6 that says we are dead to sin.  Repentance includes turning from sin.

3.  How can I help someone?
    When I am talking with a person about Jesus, I need to help them grasp the principle of repentance.  Many are willing to say “I’m sorry”, but they want to continue doing what they have always done.  Repentance deals with the issue of Lordship.  Who is the Lord of my life?  Jesus laid claim to that title on the cross.  It’s not just some kind of confession, but repentance that makes the difference.