Bible Chapter: Romans 9
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Unbelief is a really sad situation in any person’s heart. Those who do not believe in Jesus are lost in the control of sin. Paul wrote how desperately he wanted them to all believe in Jesus. He would make any sacrifice necessary to get them to the point of belief. Belief is not simply saying “I’m not an atheist, I believe in God.” Belief requires commitment to Jesus as the Lord, the personal Lord and Savior. Moses expressed a similar concern in Exodus 32 when he told God that if He could not forgive Israel, then blot his name out as well. This deep concern for the spiritual condition of people is critically important today. Believers in Jesus must have compassion for the eternal destiny of all people.
This chapter also talks about hardening of hearts. People who refuse to submit to Jesus and live in the control of sin become harder and harder to the calling of God. The harder the heart the more evil and sinful they become. God never forces a person to reject Him, but, as a person continually makes the decisions to go their own way, they become harder and harder. God sometimes works through their desires and they become harder. We see an example of that in the Pharaoh of Egypt when Moses was trying to talk him into letting Israel go from slavery. He eventually became so hard it brought him to his death. This is a good warning to all.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God’s mercy is amazing. In spite of all the sin committed in the world, He shows mercy. This is especially real to those who repent and believe in Jesus. God gives them mercy and doesn’t judge them as they deserve. It is a gift God gives to all who will receive it. I must live in His mercy.
Another interesting thought: the Master Potter can make a lump of clay into anything he wants. God can take anyone and do amazing things in and through them. God, in His sovereignty and purity makes His creations with amazing abilities. I often think of the complex things I use on a regular basis. I know how to use them and maybe do some basic maintenance. But, the reason why mechanical and technological things work is beyond me. For example, why does this computer I’m typing on work? God has revealed basic secrets to people to understand and invent things that make life easier. The Master Potter makes His divine choices of how He wants to use each person for His glory. Our need is to listen to what God directs and use the gifts and desires we have and develop them. It is exciting to see how God will use each one.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to understand that God has a great plan and gift for each one. Receiving that plan and gift is what we all must do. Those who reject Him and His plan set themselves up for failure and a hard life. Sometimes it seems like the most evil have the best and easiest life. That is not true. We must remember that this life is not all there is. Eternity follows. It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that, the judgement.