Bible Chapter: Acts 23
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.It may seem like a small thing, but this chapter starts out with Paul talking about his fulfilling his duty to God in all good conscience. Unfortunately, the topic of a good conscience is not a common one any more. It used to be something discussed in society and even a story line in a TV program. A child on a program would do something they knew they shouldn’t and then confess because their conscience bothered them. They would end up discussing their conscience with a parent. A conscience is inside a person and guides about actions whether they are right or wrong. Paul said his conscience was right before God. Our world would be a better place if people would develop a good conscience. One of the problems is that people have ignored the concept of right or wrong so much that there is nothing inside to make them feel bad about doing things.
Another interesting part of this chapter is disturb fact that Paul used the animosity of the Sadducees and the Pharisees as his defense for the charges brought against him. These two religious groups couldn’t get along and it brought many problems. Spiritual unity among believers is so important. We must get our priorities straight so that we can get along, even when we have disagreements. We need to sort out the issues of life and, without compromising truth, be able to work together and get along.
Because of the charges brought against Paul, and because of a plot to kill him, he was transferred under heavy guard to Caesarea to the jurisdiction of Felix. And the story continues.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Paul understood the bad blood between the Sadducees and the Pharisees and used it to his advantage. This is a sad description among a people that said they were following God. Believers must learn how to get along and work for the eternal kingdom, not a kingdom of this earth. We all must work towards that. I must work hard to keep peace among followers of Jesus. I believe this is part of the nasty spiritual battle that is raging, to get Christians fussing with each other. As someone said, we will have peace around here, even if we have to fight to keep it. I like that.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people understand peace among believers and help them to have it. I can help people understand what it worth getting upset about. Most the things that cause disturbance and disruption are not worth it.