Bible Chapter: Romans 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Paul’s heart was filled with the desire to see people saved. He longed to see them come to a personal relationship with Jesus. This will never come from those who reject the Jesus-way and try to create their own righteousness. This chapter includes a precise description of how to be saved. Verses 9-10 tell us that one must confess and believe. Confess that Jesus is Lord. Lord means that a person says Jesus is the power and authority in life. It means dying to self and giving control to Jesus. This must be the confession of the heart. This confession as Lord includes the belief that Jesus actually, literally and physically DID rise from the dead. The resurrection is critical to believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
This invitation is open to ALL. Verse 13 tells us that whoever calls on Jesus will be saved.
There is a practical question asked in this chapter. How shall they call on Jesus if they have not heard? It takes someone to get the message out of who Jesus is and what He will do for them. Believers must go to where people are and tell them the good news of Jesus.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I need to understand the simple, as well as the deep issues of life as taught in the Bible. The passage of making Jesus Lord and believing in the resurrection is foundational to the Christian life. That is crucial to understand and apply in life. Many want to receive the salvation, the forgiveness of sins that comes from the sacrifice of the cross. But, they don’t want to make Jesus the LORD of their lives. That will never work. I must make sure that Jesus is Lord. He wants to be Lord over all of the issues in life.
How will a person believe without hearing of Jesus? They won’t. I think of the Christmas song, “Go Tell It On The Mountain” that Jesus Christ is born. Go tell it wherever I am that Jesus is born.
3. How can I help someone?
When I was very young I had to memorize these verses. Often people reject the thought of memorizing verses (“But, I can’t memorize”). I’m glad that as I grew up in church and Sunday School I was “encouraged” to memorize verses. Verses 9,10 & 13 were some of the verses I memorized. I have used them countless times in talking with people about Jesus. I need to keep telling people about them so they can know Jesus as Lord and soon-coming King.