Bible Chapter: Romans 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Justified by faith. We are cleaned from sin and God sees us as forgiven. That is an amazing truth and concept for life. We are justified by faith. The result is this brings us peace. Genuine peace is a missing ingredient in the world. Peace is generally seen as a lack of conflict. God puts peace in our hearts that can withstand conflict and is not destroyed by every outside force that comes along. This brings us hope in God. We have hope even when we suffer.
We will have sufferings. Some of them seem unbearable. God has promised to give us strength through the trials of life. We know we have God’s care because He has demonstrated His amazing love for us. Even before we believed in Him, Jesus came to the earth to pay the way for us to be forgiven from sin. He came to provide us with His peace.
Sin entered the world through one man. This is a powerful example of the tragedy one person can inflict on others. There is a lie circulating that we can do what we want since it won’t affect anyone but ourselves. The actions each person does impact many others. People think they can sin and it is no big issue. That is not true. It is especially important to remember that each new generation is greatly influenced by the previous generation. And, each new generation seems to push the spiritual envelope even farther than the previous one. Each new generation needs a personal encounter with Jesus to draw them close to Him. People will either influence others towards or away from God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I can live in the access I have to Jesus and receive the blessings that faith and hope bring. I must remember that the trials of life make me stronger in Jesus, even though I don’t like them. I must always remember that Jesus came in God’s perfect time to die for the world so that we can cease being God’s enemies. Even though Adam’s sin brought death, Jesus’ obedience and sacrifice brought life.
What is really living? I must always remember that real living is what I find in Jesus. I have a genuine hope, not just some grasping at straws to cling to anything that may come along. I don’t just have wishful thinking but a confidence in the promises and track record of God.
3. How can I help someone?
I must point people to the solid hope that Jesus gives. Taking a step of faith in Jesus provides the kind of peace that people long for. Waking up every day without the internal peace of God is a dreadful existence. I must be a broadcaster of that hope.