Bible Chapter: Acts 24
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Paul was brought before the governor, Felix. Charges were brought against him alleging he had done things against the Jews. In his response, Paul acknowledged he was a follower of The Way. This is a term used by the early church. It shows that they didn’t think that following Jesus simply meant making some kind of prayer of confession and that was it. They saw the Christian life as a new life, a change, a path to walk as they grew in faith and fellowship with Jesus. That is a good description of what each person’s life should be as they make a claim of being a Christian. Our culture is saturated with countless people who claim to be a Christian. Churches are filled with people who live like the devil during the week and then go to church to do their religious obligation. Their lifestyles don’t reflect anything Christ-like. They are walking on the road of life, but it is not the one that shows Jesus through how they live.
Another part of this chapter is the response of Felix as Paul was talking with him. Felix kept Paul in prison for two years playing games with his incarceration. He was hoping Paul would offer him a bribe to let him out. One day in their conversation, as Paul reasoned with him about righteousness, self-control and judgement, Felix cut him off by saying, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.” That is a telling statement. It shows the heart in Felix. He didn’t want to make any commitment to Jesus or account for his life. Paul was speaking to Felix about the judgement that all will face when they stand before God. The Holy Spirit was speaking to him about his personal accountability in that judgement and Felix was under conviction. He changed the subject. He refused to deal with it.
Many people have been convicted by the Spirit about their need to receive Jesus as their personal Savior and they push it away. Some day they will regret that decision.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Paul knew he faced potential punishment for his faith in Jesus. He didn’t back down. He also didn’t show disrespect. Some would face a time like this and, in claiming innocence, become belligerent in their response. Paul knew that would not help him in his primary goal, to lead Felix to Jesus. Paul spoke with Felix many times, always pointing him to the One who could make his life new. That is a good example to follow.
It is amazing to read at the end of the chapter that Paul was in prison for two years on these trumped-up charges. He was there for all that time, but there is no indication that he was bitter or angry. He continued to minister to anyone who came along. A good attitude, another good example.
3. How can I help someone?
I can strive to have a good attitude about life. This will make the lives of other people much better. Those who complain and make life miserable are not good examples of what God wants us to be. If I have a good attitude, people will more likely want to hear what I have to say.