Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bible Chapter: Romans 6

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    In my ramblings through life I have met people who claim to be a Christian and yet they don’t hesitate to participate in sin.  They claim that they have been forgiven and that’s all that matters.  This chapter clearly destroys that false teaching.  We who claim Christianity must live “dead to sin”.  We must have the same participation in sin as a dead person.  Shall we continue sinning?  No, we are dead to it.  Our desire for sin must continue to diminish as we grow closer to Jesus.  Yes, there is temporary pleasure in sin.  Don’t forget there is eternal fulfillment in Jesus.
    This chapter also has some important teaching on baptism.  We see a picture of the identification with Jesus and His death, burial and resurrection.  We are buried with Him in baptism and rise to new life.  The old nature had died and we are no longer slaves to sin.  Baptism must be accompanied by true faith so the person knows what they are doing when baptized and goes on to live a life that gives glory to Jesus.  The old, unregenerate and sinful self has died and the sinful desires no longer control.  This shows that those who were baptized had made a commitment to Jesus as their personal Savior.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    This chapter talks about our being slaves to righteousness.  Verse 16 teaches an extremely important Biblical truth that would set many people free who don’t understand the importance of submission to Jesus.  Romans 6:16 NLT
16 Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living.
    We will submit to an authority.  That authority has us under its power.  So, when we submit to Jesus, we give Him authority in our lives.  Those who insist on continuing to sin to express their “freedom” are really giving sin control of their lives.  So, those who actively participate in sin are slaves to sin.  This is why they do so many horrible things they don’t like and can’t seem to quit.
    I must always remember this when temptation comes along.  I have made the choice to trust in Jesus and must make the choice to continue in that track.  I need to remember the ending of this chapter that sin brings the wages of death and God’s gift brings eternal life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I meet many people who think that since they were baptized as a baby they are all set spiritually.  I also meet people who say they have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.  They can go to church when they feel like it and everything is all fine.  There are people who go to church regularly but don’t show evidence of loving Jesus.  They miss the principles of this chapter of being dead to sin and live to Jesus.  As God provides the opportunities I must take them to help people see the deliverance Jesus brings.