Bible Chapter: Acts 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.The series of events questioning Paul about the charges brought against him continued in Caesarea. This time he was brought before King Agrippa and Bernice who had entered the room with much pomp. Paul was given permission to speak his case. He told his story, the history of his life. He pointed out that he had previously actively persecuted anyone who followed Jesus. Then, as he was heading to Damascus to arrest more believers, God knocked him down and talked to him. It had to be a shocking revelation when he heard the voice speaking to him say “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting”.
Paul went on to tell of his calling to proclaim the message of Jesus to all. This was evident to all in the room. Even Agrippa asked Paul if he was trying to convert him. Yes, he was. It was obvious in Paul’s life that he wanted all to believe. Paul told the king that he wished he would be exactly like him, except for the chains.
At the end of the chapter King Agrippa said that Paul had done nothing wrong, and, if he had not appealed to Caesar, he could have been set free. This then began Paul’s journey that would take him to Rome.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Something Paul said in quoting Jesus jumps out to me. It was Paul’s calling to ministry that was to go out and help people’s eyes to be opened. People need to be turned from the darkness of sin and have their spiritual eyes opened to see who Jesus is and what He will do for them. People are blinded to their real spiritual condition and they need to see and turn from following sin. People need to receive forgiveness of sins. The current world is working hard to blind people and also make them deaf to hearing the voice of God calling them. I must not get caught up in that deception and not be afraid to speak the truth of Jesus so people will receive Him. The world today makes it seem like the worst thing you could possibly to is to convert, to proselytize someone to bring them to belief in Jesus. That is a deception from the pit of hell since Jesus IS the one way to God.
Paul also talked about the fact that believers in Jesus need to live out their life publicly. Their actions must show they are the real article. The actions of Christians need to speak “Jesus” to the world.
3. How can I help someone?
I can learn from Paul’s attitude through this whole ordeal of two years. He was kept in confinement in Caesarea on trumped up charges. Yet, whenever he was given the opportunity, he didn’t express anger. He spoke with respect and told his story. That is a good way to treat people.