Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bible Chapter: Numbers 9

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    One of the things that most people are most efficient at is forgetting things.  Because of this we have all sorts of devices to keep us on track.  We have “to do” lists.  We have calendars and electronic devices that beep to remind us that we have an appointment.  We put birthdays and anniversaries on our calendars so we don’t forget.  We need to be reminded.  It is common in churches to have a communion table with the words “In Remembrance of Me” on the front.  This special time is celebrated to remind us of the sacrifice of Jesus.  This chapter tells of the first celebration of the Passover after Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt.  They celebrated the first time as part of the deliverance, and now they had reached the point where they needed to celebrate it annually.  This was very important for them, as it is so easy to forget the sorrow of the past and God’s miraculous deliverance.  History shows they had very short memories.  They were to regularly celebrate the Passover so that they, and future generations, would always remember what God did for them.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I have very efficiently developed my ability to forget.  Events that have been a major part of my life, where I have grasped many details, have the ability to slip from my memory.  I need reminders.  I need to apply these biblical principles of remembrances of the amazing things God does.  Another part of this chapter deals with the importance of purity in the process of celebration.   God had very strict rules about those who could celebrate the Passover.  Spiritual purity is required.  God is still looking for His followers to live a pure life. The issue should not be - how much can I get away with and still be a Christian?  It should be - how much can I do to please God and be close to Him?  God reminded Moses to lead the people in remembrance.  At the same time He reminded Moses that the people needed to be clean.  This is vital for all of us.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Especially for believers in Jesus, I want to remind them of the importance of true holiness.  Holiness is a matter of the heart.  But, it is expressed in our thoughts, words and actions.  A person isn’t holy because he/she does or doesn’t do certain things.  However, holy people must not push the limit to see how much they can get away with.  Holiness is expressed through out actions, what is in the heart comes out.