Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 33

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    A family reunion.  Finally.  These brothers had been separated for twenty years.  I have to wonder if there had not been many times of disgust in their minds as they thought of the events of the past and developed plots of revenge.  I have to wonder what was going through Esau’s mind for many years.  Did he scheme with delight the suffering he was going to inflict on Jacob when he had the opportunity?  At what time did his thinking begin to change and long to see Jacob again?  This is an awesome lesson on forgiving those who hurt us.
    When these two large groups of people traveling towards each other got close, Jacob was afraid and he tried to appease Esau with gifts.  They weren’t necessary.  Esau’s heart was changed.  Changed hearts make all the difference.  I have read of cultures that pass on hatred from generation to generation.  In one instance, a man was called a thief because several generations before one of his ancestors was a thief.  When people allow their hearts to change towards others, restoration can occur and problems avoided.  God forgives.  He wants us to learn to do the same.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Change and restoration is possible.  People can change.  This is true through the work of God in a person’s heart.  Growth and change must continue to happen throughout life.  We can always become more of what God wants us to be.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Don’t hold a grudge.  Be willing to forgive and get on with life.  One of the principles I have learned is that when God tells us about forgiving people, it is more for ourselves than the other person.  Bitterness is a caustic root that destroys.  Learn to turn the revenge over to God.  Forgiving sets us free.