Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bible Chapter: Revelation 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Our modern world is more and more mocking those who believe the Bible, who apply it and practice it in their daily lives.  There is spiritual pressure to compromise and accept things unbiblical.  It may at time seem like the better thing to do is go along with the crowd.  But, there will come a time when all who faithfully serve the Lord and make whatever sacrifices it takes to be true to God’s way will receive the blessings of their obedience.  Keeping ourselves pure will always bring amazing rewards.
    The opposite picture is also seen in this chapter.  Those who take the “easy” way and go along with the crowd and worship the beast will bring eternal torment on themselves.  Those who identify with the beast will suffer beyond human comprehension for their rejection of the Lord.  Both reward and judgement are real.  It is up to each individual to make their own choice.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I am more and more amazed at the blatant boldness of sinners.  There is a word in the Bible that gets no modern use.  It is lascivious.  It basically means unbridled sensuality; excess.  Another definition I have used is sinful and proud of it.  While this is an antiquated word, it is a modern reality in our culture.  I recently saw a TV ad for a frozen food that teased the viewer through text and the video that the woman advertising this product was naked.  She wasn’t, but that was the hook to get the attention of the audience.  I have to wonder, is their food that bad that they have to try to lure customers to purchase it with sleeze?  Why would a company identify their product with such a scheme unless they thought the society would think it was funny and draw them in?  Because our culture is only offended by godliness and promotes sin, this kind of stuff is accepted.  Memo to self: reject all this modern stuff and stay close to Jesus.  It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I think most people have bought into this lie: God is a really nice guy who love you and only judges and punishes the really bad people.  You are a nice person, you don’t have to worry.
    That is so dangerous.  I must help people see what Jesus wants them to know - He forgives sin when people call out to Him.