Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bible Chapter: Romans 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    This is one chapter that could fill several pages with comments.  Here are a few of the thoughts that come to mind.  Paul called the believers “saints”.  The understanding of this word has become quite confused.  The root word used here speaks of separation from sin.  It is the same root word used for sanctification.  Believers are set apart from sin and dedicated to God.  This speaks to Christians to live a life separated from active participation in sin.  Yes, all believers really are saints.  That truth should impact our lives in a positive way.
    Paul commended the church in Rome for their reputation in Godliness.  This is what it should be for any local church.  All should be known as “that church where they really love Jesus”.  They fit into Paul’s description of himself in verse 16.  He was not ashamed of the Gospel.
    Paul talked about how sin was taking over people and the reality of God’s wrath against sin.  God has promised to judge sin.  People who continually insist on sinning will eventually be turned over to their sinful desires and consumed by them.  They will justify sin and even say God approves.  They will, in God’s timing, receive the penalty for their sin.  Righteousness will be rewarded and sin will be judged.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I have to continue to read the Bible for what it says and apply it according to the intent God had when He inspired the authors to write.  I can’t read this chapter without thinking of the modern world.  It is interesting that something written about two thousand years ago so accurately describes today.  Paul wrote of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.  Instead of following God, people allow their foolish hearts to become darkened.  Claiming wisdom they become fools.  In the process of all of this they justify sin and say it doesn’t matter.  Church leaders are encouraging sin by coddling sinners and not calling sin what it is - sin.
    Verse 25 says they exchanged the truth of God for a lie.  This is happening over and over again.  Churches are changing the Bible to allow for sin, especially moral sin.  They claim that the Golden Rule says we are to love everyone so we can’t call anything sin.  We just have to accept whatever anyone does.  But, what I must apply in my life is what the Bible really says.  Romans chapter one challenges me to not be ashamed of the Gospel.  It challenges me to live the way God designed believers to live without compromising eternal truth.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Our world is confused.  I must be ready to help people see what the Bible really says.  In the Gospel we find the power of God for salvation that is open to ALL.  I must live by faith and be ready to help people see the choice they have.  They can receive Jesus by faith and avoid the judgement that will come to all who insist on doing things their own way.