Bible Chapter: Numbers 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Throughout the Bible we find many passages that point to purity. God is holy and doesn’t want anything to do with sin to be in His presence. He had put His blessing on the nation of Israel and longed for them to be pure. If there was anything that could defile them, God wanted it out of the camp. If anyone did something wrong, they had to make restitution for it. God expected faithfulness in marriage. All of these things we see help us to understand what God is looking for in His followers. He wants purity and a rejection of sin.
God provided for people to make a special vow to be set apart and live holy to the Lord. The Nazirite vow could be made for a short time or for a lifetime. There were specific things Nazirites were to do and not to do. They were to live a high standard of holiness and commitment to God. God longs for devotion to come from our hearts. This vow expressed that.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God’s presence brings blessings. In the world there are curses and blessings. God wants to bless. God wants to keep us secure in Him. As we serve Him God will bring His favor in our lives. We will have God’s peace. Peace of heart is one of the most valuable assets anyone can have. You can buy material things, but you can’t buy peace. I read of a new high-tech TV that sells for $150,000. They have already sold several of them. I can’t imagine paying that much for a TV. I can imagine that some owners will be very proud and show it off to their friends. But, I wonder if, on the day they receive bad news, if that expensive toy will bring them any peace. Real peace only comes from God’s blessings.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the blessings of living in obedience to God. His presence is worth more than anything else we can obtain. While we can have fun for a time participating in sin, eventually the price must be paid, and that is always much more than the person bargained for. Sin is never worth it.