Bible Chapter: Numbers 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.God had a plan for the work His people were to do. God told Moses to tell the Levites the duties they had in the Tabernacle. These chapters show God’s plan for the people who would minister and would take care of the holy articles. They had specific places where they would camp and had specific duties and instructions as to how they were to handle the holy places. They had to take their responsibilities seriously. More than once God told them that if they didn’t follow the directions they would die. God’s presence, His holiness is very powerful. Being in God’s presence is a wonderful blessing. But, it can bring judgement when treated with disrespect or irreverence. That is an important lesson to learn. I see many people today who think God is a joke and treat Him that way. They are in for a sad awakening some day.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God knows what He is doing. When He gives directions they will make life better when they are followed. I believe God has a plan for each person and we need to seek to find it. That doesn’t mean that we don’t have to work. The directions to the various clans in these chapters required much work. They had to do it right. But, when we find God’s work for our lives, whatever that may be, we will some day receive the reward for obedience. The journey can be a challenge, but it will be worth it in the end. Obedience is part of growing in holiness. A holy life, one that is pure in God’s eyes, is the best life.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people, and especially believers, to see the importance of biblical holiness. God gave responsibilities to specific families in these chapters. Those directions included ways to work in a holy manner. God is pure and expects His followers to be pure. This is a life of divine blessing.