Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bible Chapter: Leviticus 23 & 24

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    The Sabbath.  Even though we are not under the Law, there are principles that still apply.  Giving God a day, taking a day for rest, spiritual renewal and refreshing is still needed.  Our culture has gone from honoring a day as the Lord’s day to mocking it.  Young people growing up today have little concept of giving God this day, of making it special.  Our world now goes 24/7.  When someone tries to make the Lord’s day something special, making God the priority for the day, that person is seen as strange.  We seldom hear the statement any more “I don’t do that on Sunday”.  Our bodies and minds need the regular rest.  We need the spiritual refreshing.  God knew what He was doing in giving this to us.
    These chapters also talk about blasphemy, which is speaking harm and disrespect against God, against His character.  When God’s name is used in cursing, that is making the Eternal Creator something low and mocks who He is.  To see how critical of an issue this is, God told Moses that the one who blasphemes is to be stoned to death.  People must be very careful how they talk about God and use His name.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    These chapters talk about many feasts Israel was to observe.  These times were to help them remember all that God had done for them.  They reminded the people of God’s provision and guidance. They reminded the people to stay close to God and obey Him.  This must still be applied in life.  We must stay close to God in obedience.  We must remember how to talk about God and not drift into blasphemy.  I believe that we must give God a priority of our time.  This includes making the Lord’s day a special time.  God should get the first, the best, not just what is left over.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Sadly, I see many living lives that give little or no honor to God.  So, God must not be very important to them.  Many would deny that statement, but their lives say the opposite.  Words are cheap.  It is easy to say things.  It is more important to live it, to live what is right.  Question to self: how can I help people see the importance of keeping God our top priority?